Feeding cows for transition success Features 10 key performance indicators (KPI) that producers, veterinarians, and nutritionists can use to evaluate the success of their transition feeding program. This system allows users to identify bottlenecks and opportunities to improve management approaches. “Feeding cows for transition success ” will be presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois. Hoards Dairyman Duration 1:07:25 Size: 133 MB ...
Patient Education and Counseling Volume 98, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 102–110 Abstract Objective The Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics convened a workshop to examine the scientific evidence on medication adherence interventions from the patient-centered perspective and to explore the potential of patient-centered medication management to improve chronic disease treatment. ترجمه ماشینی : بیمار محور اولویت برای بهبود مدیریت دارو و پایبندی هدفمراکز آموز ...
Actas Urológicas Españolas (English Edition) Volume 39, Issue 8, October 2015, Pages 465–472 Abstract Introduction Bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) and other bladder pathologies share common manifestations, such as the presence of mictional symptoms and a negative impact on the patient's quality of life. To be properly diagnosed and clinically managed, it is important to distinguish between its clinical modalities and diagnostic criteria for ...